Decades ago (before the era of Google Translate) I put together some English & Spanish sample patient instructions for various procedures. It has been helpful for me to make use of some or all of this on occasions when I am performing neurodiagnostic procedures on patients who only speak Spanish. It really put the patient at ease, prevents me from pestering my bilingual colleagues and usually brings a smile to the patient's face when they see how much I am trying to communicate and care about them as a person. Either that, or my pronunciation is funny. Ha! The sample patient instructions below shows the Spanish and then the English right below with some overlapping of the phrases for ease of use. Some of the phrases are not used based on the patient's responses and are indented. Also some basic vocabulary is included.
Hola, mi nombre es...
Hello, my name is...
Sientese par favor.
Please, sit down.
Lehan hecho un electroencefalograma antes?
Have you ever had an EEG done before?
Si - Hace cuanto tiempo?
Yes How long ago?
Bueno, entonces sabe que esperar.
Good, then you know just what to expect.
Como sabe...
As you remember...
No - Pues, Primera quiero que sepa que...
Well, first of all I want you to know that...
Descripcion del las examenes:
Description of the tests:
Este examen no es doloroso. Nose usan agujas.
This is a painless test. No needles are used.
le voy a medir y marcar el cuero cavelludo con un lapiz de cera rojo.
what I'm going to do is use a measuring tape and a red wax pencil.
Despues que le haga las marcas, le voy a pencil.
Then, after I have made those markings, I will
restregar cada una de las marcas con una pasta granulosa.
scrub each of those marks with a little gritty gel.
La pasta la sentira coma arena mojada. La ultima parte de
The gel will feel sort of like wet sand. The last part of
la aplicacion sera pegar las electrodes a su cabeza.
the application will be actually putting the electrodes on your head.
son pequenas chapas cuales le aplicare un poco
The electrodes are just small cups which I
de crema. Se las pegare en la cabeza. Pueda que la pasta
will put some cream in and press onto your scalp. The only
le irrite el cuero cavelludo un poco.
part that might be a little irritating is the scrubbing.
Informacion del paciente:
Patient Information:
Antes de empezar dejeme pedirle alguna informacion
Before we begin let me get some information from you.
Par favor, habla mas despacio.
Please, speak very slowly.
Cual es su apellido? Me puede deletear su apellido par
What is your name? Please, spell your last name for me.
Cual es su primer nombre?
What is your first name?
Ahora deletreeme su primer
Now, spell your first
Cual es su direccion y ciudad?
What is your address and city?
Cual es su numero de telefono?
What is your phone number?
Su fecha de nacimiento?
Your birthdate?
Historia medica:
Medical History:
Par cuales problemas viene aver al doctor..?
What kind of problems have you been having that made you come to see doctor...?
Dolor de cabeza = headaches
derrame cerebral = stroke
mareos = dizziness
homigueo = tingling
adormecimiento = numbness
dolor = migraine
golpe = hurt
pulsante = throbbing
memoria = memory
olvidando mucho = memory loss
no recuerdo = can't remember
nerviosismo (nervioso) = nervousness
Days of Week: Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday
domingo lunes martes miercoles juenes viernes sabado
Months of Year:
enero februario marso abril mayo juno julio augusto septembre octubre novembre decembre
January February March April May June July August September October November December
Cuando fue la ultima vez que tuvo (sintomas)?
When was the last time you had a (symptoms)?
Digame aproximadamente cuando sine recuerda la fecha exacta.
Just give me an approximation if you do not know the exact date.
Vocabulario: Vocabulary:
meses dias semana horas ahorita
months days week hour now
Esta tomando medicamentos de prescripcion?
Are you taking any prescription medications?
Si - Cuales son?
Yes - What are they?
Cuando fue la ultima vez que tomo medicamento?
When was the last time you took your medication?
No - No esta tomando ningun medicamento?
No - You aren't taking any medications?
Es usted de mano derecha o izquierda?
Are you right or left handed?
O - Con que mano escribe?
or, which hand do you write with?
derecha izquierda
right left
Cuando fue la ultima vez que comio alga?
When was the last time you had anything to eat?
ayer dia horas minutes
yesterday day hours minutes
antes de venir aqui ahorita
right before I came here just now
Bueno eso todo lo que necesito saber.
All right, that is all I need to know. started.
Ahora empezemos.
Let us get started
Preparacion para el examen:
Patient preparation:
Par favor, quitese las aretes.
Please, take your ear rings off.
Par favor, quitese las anteojos.
Please, take your glasses off.
Par favor, quitese el lazo de la cabeza.
Please, take the bow out of your hair.
Par favor, sueltese el pelo.
Please, take your hair down.
Par favor, sientese recto en su silla e inclinese asi adelante.
Please, sit straight up in your chair and lean forward.
Recuestese, par favor.
Please, lean back.
Solo un poco para que pueda alcanzarle toda la cabeza.
Just slightly so that I can get all around your head.
Par favor, deabotonese el primer baton de su camisa (blusa).
Please, unbutton the top button of your shirt (blouse).
Necesito poner dos electrodes en su pecho.
I need to place two electrodes at the top of your chest.
Por favor, incline su cabeza asi adelante un poco.
Please, tilt your head forward a little bit.
Explicacion del electroencefalograma:
Explanation of the EEG:
Lehan expicado para que se usa el electroencefalograma y coma funciona?
Has anyone explained what an EEG is used for and how it works?
Si - Levoy a dar otra explicacion para asegurar que no falto nada.
Yes- Well, I am going to give you another explanation just to make sure you did not miss anything.
No - Dejeme explicarselo.
No - Well let me explain it to you.
El electroencefalograma es un examen del funcionamiento del cerebra.
The EEG is a test of how the brain is functioning.
Los electrodes que le estoy poniendo en el
These electrodes that I am placing on your scalp are used to
cuero cavelludo leeran la actividad electrica del cuero cavelludo la cual es generada pro su cerebra.
read the electrical activity from your scalp that is being generated by your brain.
La computadora grafica esta actividad en la pantalla en forma
The computer will graph this activity out on the screen in the form of waves, having
de ondas teniendo ambas frecuencia (la cual es la rapidez en que la onda cicla arriba y abajo) y amplitud (la cual down es el tamano de las ondas).
both frequency (which is how fast the wave cycles up) and and amplitude (which is how big or small the waves)
El doctor mirara estas y are.
The doctor will look at these waves and decide
decidira si son caracteristicamente normal o anormal.
whether they are characteristically normal or abnormal.
Grabacion del electroencefalograma:
EEG recording session:
Bueno, terminamos pegandole las alambres, ahora vamos a
OK, we are finished with attaching the wires, now let us
asegurarlos para estar seguros que todos hacen buen contacto.
check on these wires and make sure they are all making good contact.
Bueno - Todos se miran bien.
Good - OK, they all look great.
Malas - Hay algunos que tendremos que volver a restregar antes de empezar.
Bad - Well, there are a few that we need to rescrub before we get started.
Levoy a recostar la silla para que este mas comodo(a)
I am going to go ahead and lay the chair back and make you more comfortable.
Tiene frio? Tenemos una colcha si desea usarla; solo dejeme daber sial quiere.
Are you cold? We have a blanket over there if you would like to use it; just let me know.
Ojo cerrados: (Eyes Closed)
Quiero que cierre las ojos y se relaje sin dormirse. Si
What I want you to do is go ahead and close your eyes and
quiero que se duerma se lo pedire. Mantengase alerto(a) y
just relax, but do not go to sleep unless I ask you to.
despierto(a). Concentrese en relajar su quijada (la parte
Stay very alert and awake. Concentrate on relaxing your
inferior de su boca), frente, y sus hombres. Deje caer su
jaw (bottom mouth), your forehead, and your shoulders.
quijada y relajese. Bueno, ahora quiero que mantenga sus
Just let that bottom jaw drop open and relax. Good. Now,
ojos cerrados par tres minutes. Le dejare saber cuando quiera que haga alga diferente.
I want you to keep your eyes closed for three minutes, I will let you know when I want you to do something different.
Ojos abiertos: (Eyes Open)
Ahora, abra las ojos y mire fijamente la manigueta de la
Now, open your eyes and stare right at the door knob on
puerta frete a usted. Haremos esto par tres minutes.
the door in front of you. We will be doing this for about
Relaje su quijada y su frente. Haga lo posible de
three minutes as well. Relax your jaw, and forehead. Do
parpadear solo cuando necesite. Trate de contar hasta
your best to blink only when you need to. Try to count to
cuatro entre cada parpadeo. Bien.
four between each blink. Good.
Respiracion: (Hyperventilation) Respiration:
Ahora cierre las ojos de nuevo y relajese.
Now, close your eyes again and just relax.
Ahora, mientras mantiene las ojos cerrados, quiero que empieze a
Now, while keeping your eyes closed I want you to begin to breathe a
respirar un poco mas rapido y ondo de lo normal. Empieze
little more quickly and deeply than you normally do.
ahorita. Haremos esto par tres minutes. Le dejare saber
Go ahead and start that now. We will be doing this for
periodicamente cuanto tiempo le falta. Dentro de unos
three minutes. I will let you know periodically how much
mementos se podra sentir mareado (a), talvez, sentira
time you have left. In a few moments you might begin to
hormigueo en las dedos; pero estos sintomas son normales
feel a little bit dizzy, maybe some tingling in your
cunado respira rapidamente. Faltan dos minutes y media.
fingers; but, these symptoms are normal for overbreathing
Faltan un minute y media.
or mild hyperventilation.
Un minute mas. Treinta
Two and a half more minutes to
segundos mas. Bien hecho. Deje de respirar rapido y
go. One and a half more minutes left. One more minute.
respire normalmente.
Thirty more seconds.
Mantenga las ojos cerrados. Respire
Good Job. Stop overbreathing and
normalmente. Levoy a dejar descansar par unos minutes
resume your normal breathing pattern. Keep your eyes
para que tenga tiempo de recobrar su respiracion. Se siente bien?
closed. Just breathe normally and if you do feel dizzy or tingling it will now pass in just a few moments. Just breath normally. I am going to let you rest now for about two minutes, so that you have time to get your breath back. Are you doing OK? Good.
(photic stimulation)
Quiero que mantenga las ojos cerrados. Ahorita me oira
I want you to keep your eyes closed. You are going to
levantarme de mi silla. Estey poniendo una luz frente a
hear me getting up out of my chair now. What I am doing
usted la cual brillara una luz blanca y alternara en
is moving a strobe light in front of you that I am going
diferentes velocidades. La luz empezara a alternar
to use to flash some bright white light at you at
despacio y aumentara rapidez en el transcurso. Aunque
different speeds. The light will begin to flash slowly
solo le estoy alternando luz blanca pueda que mires
and get faster and faster as we go along. Even though I
colores. Esto es normal. Nose asuste. La luces en el
am only flashing white light at you, you might see some
cuarto bajaran un poco. Mantenga las ojos cerrados.
patterns of colors. This is entirely normal, so do not
Estamos casi listos de empezar. Relaje su quijada y su
let it frighten you. The lights in the room are now going
frente. Le alternare la luz ahorita. Bien. Abra las
to become a little more dim. Just keep your eyes closed,
ojos y mire fijamente la manigueta frente a usted.
No we are almost ready to start. Relax your jaw and your
mire asia la luz. Vay a volver a alternar la luz.
forehead. The first flash is coming at you right now.
Mantenga las ojos abiertos y parpadee lo menos posible.
Good. Open your eyes and look at the door knob again. Do
Empezare con la luz ahorita. Muy bien.
not look into the light, just stare right at the door knob. I am going to flash that same series of lights at you again. Do your best to keep your eyes open and blink as few times as possible. Here we go, the first flash is corning at you right now. Good Job.
(sleep recording)
Cierre las ojos y relajese. Nos faltan seis o siete
Go ahead and close your eyes again and just relax. We
minutes. Vay a regresar las luz a su lugar. Quiero que
have about six or seven minutes left. I am going to move
cierre las ojos y trate de dormirse si es posible. Sino
the light back to it's spot, and what i want you to do is
puede dorrnirse mantengase rnuy quieto (a) con las ojos
just keep your eyes closed and go to sleep if you can.
cerrados y relajese.
If you can not go to sleep just stay very still, with your eyes closed and relax.
Mantenga las ojos cerrados pero este alerto(a) y
Keep your eyes closed but be very alert and awake.
despierto. Bueno hemes terminado el electroencefalograrna.
OK, we're finished with the EEG part of the test.
Gracias par su pacencia y tenga un buen dia.
Thank you for your patience and have a good day.